Monday, April 18, 2011

Painting a Thank-you.

Oh man.  I've been struggling with the running lately.  Remember when I hurt my knee?  Well, I stayed off it for about a week and then went frolicking through Tryon Creek State Park.  It was fun and I felt pretty good.  Then I got a horrible cold that made me feel tired and unhappy.  I ran a little, but it was hard and stupid.  Still, I tried about once a week.  When did two miles become so difficult?  I went running again at Tryon Creek State Park and I had to drag myself through 35 minutes.  Blagh.  Dumb dumb dumb.  But I keep trying and hoping that it will get better.  Jess said, "one day you'll have an awesome run that you'll feel like you didn't work for."

Hallelujah!  Today was that day!  I went to the park again; I had music (this seems to be important); I had time; I told myself I could walk a bit if I needed.  And then I ran for an hour. :)  There was even a hill that I conquered!  Oh goodness, I feel so relieved.  I haven't been defeated!  What a good day.
So while I think of it,
let me paint a thank-you on my palm
for this God, this laughter of the morning,
lest it go unspoken.