Sunday, April 10, 2011

Being Brave

What does it mean to be brave?  There is something that I cannot quite understand about the whole being brave thing.  Who can teach bravery?  

There is a bravery that is
a big thing,
a fist thing,
a facing the anger thing.

Sometimes bravery is a
                  me against the world thing.

But I think there is a personal, intimate bravery too.

Bravery with love.
I think it's
               a quiet and difficult thing; it's simple and hard.

I think about two people sitting down and talking about something difficult with compassion and a willingness to work hard.  That is so scary and so brave to me.  I want more of that bravery in my life.
Brave as a bear, with a heart rare and true.    
What are your thoughts about being brave?  What does it look like?  What do you think it means?  I'd like to know, and in knowing, learn to better understand this whole being brave thing.


  1. I love this more than I can say in a comment. You are a beautiful human being. And I think you are very brave, my dear.

    For me, right now, bravery means choosing to believe in goodness and not be limited by fears based on my past experiences. I'm tempted to stay in a safe zone, but I'm learning that if I take risks, I may be rewarded. Scary, though.

    How's THAT for vague? But I think you might know what I'm talking about. :) Love you.

  2. When I think about Being Brave, the first picture that comes to mind is a small person walking into a dark forest. Not ignorantly, but with a steady heart that looks for goodness in the midst of uncertainty.

    The forest isn't necessarily a bad forest, but it might be. But there also might be unicorns in the forest. The small person really has no idea, but walking through the forest is what he or she is supposed to do for whatever reason.

    And don't forget to carry a little basket in case of exotic flowers.

    That's what I think about.

  3. The bravest thing I have ever done was birth a baby. Like really? A head? Shoulders? A whole person? Through WHERE? Will he even like me? It came down to trust. Trusting my body, my strength, my support people, my son, my Creator. And WOW. Most euphoric and empowering experience of my life.

    So to me, bravery is about choosing to do something scary with some amount of trust that you will make it through.
