Monday, November 8, 2010

Shamrock Run

This March (2011), I will be attempting to run a 15K. Sweet Mother of God, I am already hating myself so much. There is a 5K and 8K also available (Kyle and Dena are running the 5K), but Peter wants to run the 15K with my dad and I don't want to run the 8K all alone, so ... I will be starting a training schedule this week to see if it is possible to run 9.3 miles by March 13.

Please send strong, enduring, healthy thoughts my way.

To be honest, I'm secretly a little excited because I know that this will be so good for me. My body will freaking love me (eventually). But first, everything in my being will hate me, hate Peter, hate St. Patrick's Day, and hate this mother f***ing run.

Please send strong, enduring, healthy thoughts my way.


  1. Wow! I am so amazed and impressed by you right now.

  2. Uh, I second what Jess said. I can't even imagine willingly running 15K. But you are super strong and athletic and this will be amazing.

  3. A few things:
    1. You made me laugh outloud at a bar by myself seated next to strangers.
    2. Wow! That is really impressive!
    3. I just threw up at the thought of running that far.
    4. Only two of those statements are for real.
