Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I have a large glass of wine sitting by my hand and it is delightful. and there is a block of cheese and a cheese slicer next to it. Also, my friends live in a warm, pumpkin-scented house in SE Portland and I'm housesitting for a family with a large tub that I am going to soak in very soon. what? how did life get so great? oh, but also, I overdrew my bank account. so, there's still a healthy level of "what the hell?" going on right now.



  1. I like the comments that you leave on my blog; they make me happy. I am glad that I am not the only person that has a happy/sad feeling about being abroad. It is mostly happy but sometimes sad. But the sadness is a nice kind of feeling. I like you, Lisa! And yes, we should go to Shari's when I get home!

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha....I like this post.
