Monday, September 28, 2009

Day By Day

There's a song that I sing to myself during those days when everything seems overwhelming and never-ending. It's from the finale of a musical called Avenue Q and it's called "For Now." At first glance it may seem depressing - nothing lasts forever! - but it helps me breathe and gives me hope. Hope that things will not stay the same, that things will change. Here are some of the lyrics:

Nothing lasts,
Life goes on,
Full of surprises.
You'll be faced with problems of all shapes and sizes.
You're going to have to make a few compromises...
For now...

But only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now! (For now)
Only for now!

Each time you smile...
It'll only last a while.
Life may be scary...
But it's only temporary

Everything in life is only for now.

Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in a place where everything is frozen the way that it is right now. and that is terrifying. terrifying and untrue. Thank goodness. Nothing lasts forever. I once wrote in my London journal, "Time goes by because that's what it does. And we move along because we must." I like this because it's not an empty promise, like, "Things will work out." Sometimes they don't. And hearing that doesn't comfort me. But Things Will Change. That is true. And it is so hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part of these lyrics is the line "full of surprises." Nothing is more inspiring. Things can change surprisingly quickly.
