Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Sacred in Women

I've started reading this book called The Feminine Face of God.  I'm only two chapters in and I already want everyone I know to read it.  Listen to this:
For until we can speak our truth and know that we have been heard, we don't wholly know it ourselves.
Holy fuck.  Let's just stop for a moment with that one.  There is not much that is more life-giving than feeling that you have been really heard.  How many of us have discovered truth as we spoke it aloud to someone who cared to hear us?

Moving on to this:  What does it mean to be spiritual as a woman?  I do believe that every individual's journey is different, so what I really mean is this - what does it mean for me, as a woman, to be spiritual?  Yes, that is more what I mean.  I am me.  And who am I is a woman.  I'm starting to think that is something that is deeply important, rather than one more fact about who I am.

Here's another thing from this book:
Each woman (that the authors interviewed) decided to stop looking to authority figures outside herself for the truth, and to trust that what she experienced as sacred was indeed sacred.
 All these things have been floating around in my head for a few months now.  What is sacred to me?  How do I encounter and invite the sacred into my life?  What does that mean for me as a woman?  Who will talk with me about these things??

I'm ready to have more conversations about this.

I need to find some women who will sit on couches with wine and get into it with me.  Let's speak truth and be heard.  Sooner, rather than later.

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